SIR Student Project Accepted for Publication at the 2024 American Control Conference | Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

SIR Student Project Accepted for Publication at the 2024 American Control Conference

ACC is the annual conference of the American Automatic Control Council (AACC), the U.S. national member organization of the International Federation for Automatic Control (IFAC).

Anirudh Chari’s ’24 SIR project, “An Optimal Control Framework for Influencing Human Driving Behavior in Mixed-Autonomy Traffic,” has been accepted for publication at the 2024 American Control Conference. Anirudh will present his work in Toronto, Canada, in July, making him the youngest presenter in the conference’s history. Through the application of optimal control theory, his research facilitates safer interactions between self-driving cars and human drivers. 

This past year, Anirudh continued his remote-based research under the direction of Rui Chen and Dr. Changliu Liu from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and Dr. Jaskaran Grover, from Amazon Robotics.