Anirudh Chari has been working remotely with his mentor, Rui Chen, from Carnegie Mellon University, since the summer of 2022, with plans to continue into his senior...
Mojadesola Suieiman presented a poster at the 2023 Sigma Xi Virtual Student Research Conference displaying her research titled Design and Synthesis of Potential Treatments for...
The IJAS State Expo was held at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale this...
The 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the ISHLT was held on April 19-22, 2023, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver,...
The American Physical Society (APS) hosted the annual April meeting, “Quarks to Cosmos.” The meeting encompassed a broad range of physics: astrophysics, particle physics, nuclear physics, and g...
Congratulations to the Finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC)...