Data Dashboards

OIR provides access to timely, accurate and actionable information to institutional leaders, the IMSA community, and external organizations through a variety of data dashboards. These data dashboards enable IMSA colleagues to visualize, explore, and analyze data in multiple ways – including examining subgroups and/or trends over time – in order to facilitate continuous improvement and evidence-based decision-making.

Examples of data dashboards that OIR has created and maintains:

  • Strategies – This dashboard was created for the IMSA Strategies team and includes data visualizations related to students who are at risk based on their grades and/or attendance.
  • HR Metrics – This dashboard was created for the Human Resources Department and includes data displays related to IMSA employees, including hiring dates and demographics.
  • Disciplinary Incident Dashboard – This dashboard was created for the Student Affairs Office and includes data visualizations related to student disciplinary incidents at IMSA.
  • Excel Student Dashboard – This dashboard was created for the Promise Program Director and Principal’s Office and includes data displays related to the demographics, incoming academic performance, and IMSA academic performance of students who participated in the Excel Program.
  • Census Day Dashboard – This dashboard was created for the IMSA community and includes data visualizations related to the demographics of the IMSA student population as of Census Day each year (tenth calendar day after the first day of school).
  • IMSA Student Survey of Remote Learning – This dashboard was created for the President and the Principal’s Office and includes data displays related to students’ responses to the IMSA Student Survey of Remote Learning, which was administered in April of 2020.